Saturday, February 16, 2013

The Church?

We are blessed to still be able to live in a country where the opinion of the church is still valued. We see this evidenced in the consistent calls for the church's opinion when different decisions are made by our government or sentiments expressed. We see it in our schools where we are still blessed to have devotional activities. We see it in our people who still run to church in times of need or are always requesting prayers from the avid churchgoers.

The members of the church seem to be content with offering prayers. Prayers are always needed and I am in no way discounting the worth of prayer. Nonetheless, God has provided us with able bodies to get up, go out and DO! The apostles were sent to nations & cities to teach and we should follow suit. We may not all be blessed with the gift of being a preacher but we all have something to offer.

Children and adults need mentors- someone they can seek guidance and help from throughout the stages of their lives. People need to learn skills, trades or even polish skills they are already building. Everyone has a need to belong and the church is able to fulfill that need if we begin to give of ourselves instead of only being their to judge and act aloof because you believe you are saved and are thus on a higher level from the rest of the population. My friends that is not love.

We are called to DO..let's get to it.

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